Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wacky Hair Day at Normandale School!

Yesterday was wacky hair day at Normdandale School! Everyone came to school with a wacky hair do. Who has the most wacky do?


Just a reminder that all portfolios were due back on Monday. Thank-you to those who have already returned them. Please make sure your portfolio has been returned to school. 

Friday, 24 May 2013

Get, Set, Go!

Last Friday the juniors started a program called Get, Set, Go! Get, Set, Go is a physical education program that teaches children fundamental movement skills. These skills involve balancing, catching, throwing, jumping and lots more. Here are some photos of us balancing on different parts of our body...

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Spell-a-thon at Normandale School

Just a reminder that spelling lists and notices for the Normandale spell-a-thon went home today. Remember to get as many sponsors as you can. Money raised will go towards new play-ground equipment and classroom resources.You have got 2 weeks to practise, practise, practise! There will also be time in the classroom for you to practise your words.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Football in schools.

We have started the term off with a bang! Every day this week we have been learning new football skills. Here are some photos of us practising our new skills...